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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Hello 911? Yea I gotta report on:

Hiya. Been a while since I post anything on the blog. I've been busy with life. You know the drill saving children, stop bad guys, being hero and stuff. Actually...

I lied....

If you are a normal people u should have realise it earlier. But if you didn't. Err.. Then... I guess you're not.. normal... people. Wait. I just made a do you realise that you're normal or not test. I SHOULD TOTALLY MAKE MORE TEST. Cough* aaanyway, this week's topic is about " How far can a human look so stupid on the outside without feeling any guilt on the inside"

I want to focus this topic specifically to teenagers.

Teenagers. Ahh... teenagers. So full of themselves. Thinking they could do anything just because they listen to some corny songs saying "you mess with me I'll bite your head" or " Ambo dok care ke ha(hal) ame bakpe ame care ke ha ambo" and even " Bakpe ambo nok dengar cakap ame, ame sapo?" This causes:-


Yep. Selalu dah aku cakap pasal benda ni kat dalam blog tapi. Huhu<--(mengeluh) diorang still lagi buat kat luar. Korang mesti ada dengar kan pasal Datin Adinda Milano a.k.a. aku takde dara tapi still ada maruah-girl. Tau tak betapa besar kotoran yang minah ni kasi kat Malaysia. Mesti tak tahukan? Aku lagi tak tahu HUHUHUHU(this is where you all should laugh and say oh lawaknya ko Imtiaz.) Masa hari dia post kat blog dia yang dia dah takde dara tapi still bangga ngan diri sendiri tu, blog dia adalah tak silap aku top 3 or top 5 website yang terpaling banyak ada visitor dalam Malaysia. So ko pikirkan sendiri la apa kesannya. Lagi bodoh, arus media prima negara kita keluarkan pulak pasal gir girl ni. Keluar berita babe, bapak feyyymers u ni aww. Maybe I should po- err... MOVE ON TO THE NEXT POINT!

Betapa murahnya maruah remaja.

Damn... aku baru sedar point ni boleh ditujukan kat Datin Adinda juga. Daiyummm... da la femes, pastu penuhi kriteria ke-fail-an lak tu. DAMN SHE'S PERFECT!!

NOT =.=

This is not sexism tapi yeah this is for you ladies out there.

BECAUSE. Guys will always ask you stupid things but we will not get/do it without you giving us your _____ <--(you sendiri isi) And girls, please PLEASE jangan pakai tudung kalau kau tak nak pakai. PLEASE. Tolong la. Buruk sangat rupa, macam ko ni saje mintak petir dari Allah tau tak? Mind as well pakai signboard "HIT ME GOD" on your bodies. Wait lupa tambah ni satu lagi kat signboard ko kalau betul-betul nak cabar ":-D"PLEASE. Bukan tu je. Malaysia ni kan negara yang penuh dengan "pelancong" yang datang dari luar negara. So kalau diorang nampak kan tak elok. Try to picture what they have in their minds when they see this

Tolong jangan sedih sebab aku censore. Ada gayboy suruh aku censore.

Aku dah ada post pasal perempuan pakai tudung tapi aurat lain bukak kat blog ni. Pandai la korang cari sebab aku nak pergi ke point yang seterusnya.

Remaja, u'olls ni gilerw fame lha. Sally jerw boleh fame-fame ni taw?

Yep. Fame. Sape nak pangkah apa yang aku cakap ni... aku tak tahu nak cakap apa. Fame. Orang selalu kata kalau nak cegah kena tau punca. Aku rasa punca ame sume ni gila fame kes media arus prima kita lah. Tunjuk artist, tunjuk plakon kluar brita pasal artist, artist gaduh, artist baik, artist kahwin, artist buat aksi ranjang, artist ni artist tu. I'm not saying yang kena keluarkan ulama' baca Quran je sepanjang masa. Tapi biar ada limit ah. Ini dah ada Akedemi Fantasia, amek ko pergi buat Idola Kecil plak. Rosakkan dari core terus, kecik-kecik dah belajar nyanyi, joget mende sume. Kecik-kecik islam suruh ajar anak pakai tudung ngan pakaian tutup aurat diorang ajar pakai camni:-

Psst. Let me tell you a little secret. This thing up here. IT'S A SHE. shh

Wow. A mini douche face. What could possibly go wrong.

If you think these kids are innocent, wait till you see their fanpage. Tak sure la tu diorang punya abang ke, adik ke, apak ke, omak ke, akak ke. Tapi fuh sos cili boss ayat diorang. 

Thank you =.=

I admit. I suck in ending, opening and maybe even writing in a post. Sooooo.... ciao

And oh the gay boy who told me to censore that picture is this 

So anyone wanna go and kill him be my guest. And before i forget, read the post entitled Kebodohan Remaja. Then, kill him. capiche? ciao