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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Malysia Tercinta

Untuk entry kali ini aku nak pakai gambar je malas nak tulis. Tapi aku rasa dengan gambar-gambar ni pun dah cukup untuk korang semua paham


Wait, ada lagi....

Oh and lastly...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Masalah Keruntuhan moral remaja

Boh bapak tajuk karangan tidak berformat 350 patah perkataan SPM. No matter, tengok tajuk jap... Ekceli dah banyak kali da aku dengar keluar TV. Banyak orang jawab, banyak orang tua/ mak bapak yang jawab.
Most of the answers they give are fucked up answers. Wanna know why? 23/30 of the answers blame school and "pengaruh rakan sebaya". On the other hand, when the medias interview teenagers, all that they can say is "pengaruh rakan sebaya"

Duuuudes. Why the hell are you guys blaming on others? Aku takleh blah time mak bapak komen la. Secukup rasa je kata pengaruh rakan sebaya, pihak sekolah. Bodoh, nanti ada pihak sekolah nak denda anak sikit mule la panas jubo nak pergi buat report polis. Padahal aku dulu siap kena tempar laju-laju lagi ngan Cikgu Hamdan. Blame yourselves la wei... Mak bapak, remaja sendiri, pihak sekolah, masyarakat setempat. Semua pun main peranan penting untuk didik remaja sekarang. 

Remaja tiang negara, belia yang bakal memerintah negara ni. Korang nak ke remaja-remaja rosak, nanti dapat pemimpin rosak plak. Dah rosak nak rosakkan lagi kenapa puuunn. Kerja nak tuding jari je, tulah kegemaran semua. Tau nak tuding jari je. Ingat sikitnya pun hadoi. You tunjuk satu jari... tiga jari balik kenepuunn hadoi.

Tapi bagi aku semua tu atas diri remaja sendiri la. Berapa banyak didikan agama yang diberi, berapa tegas/kasih sayang nya mak bapak dan guru-guru kasi., berapa banyak pun perhatian yang masyarakat kasi, kalau remaja tak nak berubah, tau nak gila-gila je sepanjan masa susah gak. Sekarang ni nak tengok couple bercium kat tepi jalan pun normal da. Celaka betul diorang ni. Ni tengok contoh ni aku malas nak judge, korang tengok je la.

Apa ilmu budak laki tu pakai aku tak tau nak gak blaja mana tau ley dapat gune skali dua, secukup rasa gak idup aku. Anyway, ni salah satu contoh betapa hebatnya mereka yang dipanggil "bakal pemerintah" negara kita. So fikir-fikirkanla, korang nak ke rupa pemimpin kita nanti macam mat ni. Memang banyak kerja kene buat kalau nak ubah perangai sekor-sekor. Tapi sumpah aku kata, berbaloi. Aku dah pernah try, memang gila susah tapi berbaloi. Guess that's all for today folks.

P/S: Dah hancur nak hancurkan lagi? pikirkanlah.

Catching up

Damn... That is one epic title. Hei yo and hello, it's been a while hasn't it. In case you're guys wandering where have i been in these past few weeks, it's because I had just start working at a cafe. Anyway...

I'm back on the chair beeyotches

Aaaanyway, last night was fishing night and... I got my cherry pop last night

I never had a fishing night before

It was awesome. Actually it's not. I DIDN'T CATCH EVEN ONE MOTHER FREAKIN FISH. Guess it's normal for a first timer. Even Barney Stinson fails the first time. 

Ok MOFOs. Today I'm going to talk about racism. Yeah I know not many of you cares. You all will be like "dude... there's nothing we can do anymore..." or "dude... I don't care anymore" OR " ada aku kesah?"

How fail is that? Even a dog can be sad looking at your stupidity.

Let's look at the meaning of racism:-

1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race

From where I am from, Malaysia. There are a lots of hidden racism. Damn what am I saying, what the fudge is hidden. In Malaysia you can see racism like every-freaking-where. Your first step out of your house you can hear a Malay shout "OI INDIA BABI PERGI MAMPOS LA PURINGGEKK!! KO PON SAME CINA PUKIMAK RASE BAGUS JE LEBIH PUNNN!!" take your second step then you will hear "OI MELAYU BABI. KALAU CINA TAK ADA U SEMUA JADI MISKINNYE PUN HADDOI" well this is a bit short? yeah of course chineese people seldom fight with indians here or at least that i think. Take the third step and you can hear "you melayu ar... you melayu ar... ARGGHHHH (dark super saiyan mode)" Take the next step and all you will hear is gunshots.

Luckily our prime minister thinks all about this stuff and find a solution :D

Oh wait this is not it...

Haa.. Ini baru betul punya punn..

1 Malaysia means  an on-going programme designed by Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak on September 16, 2010, calling for the cabinet, government agencies, and civil servants to more strongly emphasize ethnic harmony, national unity, and efficient governance.

Looking at the meaning of 1 Malaysia that has been established since last year. I wonder, what the hell is up with these videos.


Untuk geng-geng tinggi 1 Malaysia ni, aku jumpa satu rintihan dari seorang gadis kecil. Budak ni baru berumur 14 tahun tapi dah boleh FIKIR dah gune pale otak dia yang tuhan kasi. Dia ni hanya dikenali sebagai  yveliaw.

I have no idea how long ago this "Satu Malaysia" concept was created for Malaysians.. One Malaysia means Malaysians regardless of race, religion, age, skin colour and so forth, we are united, we are one. But even to this year, 2011, even with my eyes closed I can still hear racism, discrimination of religion. Why? I'm not saying every Malaysian is like that. There are many citizens with the "Malaysian attitude" but it dissapoints me to say that even so, millions of people still do not have it. I'm 14 years old. I admit I'm young and when I voice out my opinions to people around me, they don't pay much attention but I can't sit down and shut up about this thing. I hate going to school, going shopping and practically just going out and seeing people treat a certain race or religion differently. It sickens me to the pit of my stomach. I don't understand this. If someone could give me a clear explanation why do people discriminate others? Are we not equal human beings with equal rights? and do you know what's worse? When adults are like that, most of them will pass it down to their children and the chance is that they will follow in their parent's footsteps. THE CYCLE WILL NEVER END if something isn't done. I come from a small city, so even though there is racism here, I thank god that people here do not break into fights at random. I hope they never will but I hope more for this discrimination thing to end. I hope the few people that read this will give suggestions on how to move our country a step closer to reach "1 Malaysia".
Yours sincerely,