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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A Trip To The Past.

So today I logged in to my oooold myspace account. Guess what I found?

i.Yang paling suke menari: Choon Li
ii.Yang paling suke kambing: Suziana(no idea why)
iii.Yang paling kerap gi tandas: Chin Yee
iv.Yang paling lucah: Danial Marzuni
v.Yang paling kuat tido: Helmi
vi. Yang paling lmbat dtg skola: Sanggah
vii. Yang paling kuat mkn mee goreng: Ifa
viii. Yang paling "prince of math": Iklil
ix. Yang paling benci datang skola: Suphine
x. Yang paling kuat nangis: Atie
xi. Yang paling putih: Elise(obviously lol)
xii. Yang paling KUAT CARI GADOH: Mira

the others are not very clear.

amek ko mira bdak2 ni letak nama bapak terus

Well biasanya time BM or Math or English je buat keje best gini. 

BOOM. haha

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Abang-abang ketat

Aku ni sejak masuk geng-geng kulinarian ni agak partikular sikit lah bila makan di mana-mana restoran. Bila makan nasi goreng mana-mana kedai dulu tu rasa sedap terus jadi hangout spot punye. Tapi kini tidak lagi, hati ku lara lidah ku duka. Satu suapan makanan yang masuk mulut kompem-kompem sepuluh tomahan dan cacian akan keluar. Tapi semestinya komplen-komplen tu dikongssi dengan diri sendiri je. Daging patut masak camni la, sayur patut potong camtu la. Komplen banyak tapi makanan dalam pinggan tetap habis(that goes without saying ahh)

So bile jumpe satu tempat makanan yang bile aku makan tu cam terdiam, then sambung makan cam biasa memang sedap la jadi hangout spot. Sejak dapat pangkat Residen NR UiTM Dungun(Residen Non Residen dafuq) banyak restoran di dungun ni yang sudah di-try. Jumpa lah satu kedai yang hanya dipanggil Kedai Melati yang berada berdekatan dengan rumah sewa aku. Tapi slacknya di situ, service-nye agak gampang gitu.

Di saat anda tarik kerusi dan duduk, seorang waiter akan datang dan tanpa berkata apa-apa akan tunduk, letak kertas order di atas meja dan bersiap sedia untuk amek order tanpa berkata apa-apa. Dah habis dia salin order terus blah tup tap tup tap order pon smpai, dia letak blah. Dah habis makan kita kena gi cashier cakap kat cashier kita order apa, dia pon kira-kira kat kalkulator lalu menunjuk harga yang perlu dibayar kat kita. Semua aktiviti ini dilakukan tanpa pekerja diorang berkata apa-apa mahupun memandang ke muka kita. Korang bayang sndiri lepas 2 bulan lepak kat kedai ni aku baru tau diorang ada masakan panas, ingatkan ada nasi lemak je(Kedai ni punya nasi lemak femes gilerww)

Camne nak dapat regular customer gini, adakah mereka dipaksa kerja atau itu adalah mogok yang dilakukan terhadap owner kedai, biar customer lari. Ke diorang dah banyak sangat untung, smpai duit terpaksa dibakar, dijadikan rumah kucing dan katil. Kalau dalam kesempatan aku dapat tangkap gambar muka abang-abang ketat ni akan ku upload dan jadikan background blog ini. Well that's all for today, nak gi lepak kat kedai nasi lemak jap :D

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Mercun 101

Mercun adalah suatu perkara yang separa haram di negara ini. Pembakaran mercun kini diharamkan seperti yang termaktub di dalam Akta Bahan Letupan pindaan tahun 1991 .  Fuck it, let's not call it forbidden because in this entry I would like to tell you guys on how fun it can be, playing mercun.

Sebelum bermain mercun kita kene tahu a few jenis mercun yang femes gilerrwww(au!) kat Malaysia ni.

i. Mercun Katak.
   Danger Meter: 3/5
Apa yang buat mercun ni femes, bila bakar mercun ni akan start lompat2 so ready2 la kalau menatang ni lompat dalam kain batik or poket baju melayu(yes it can jump thaat high)

ii.Mercun Tebuan.
   Danger Meter: 3.5/5
Yang speselnya mercun ni, bile bakar it will make that buzzing sound(urban legend) and will start kejar orang, how to avoid it? Senang je, jangan main.

iii.Mercun Mancis.
Danger Meter: 1/5
Mercun ni takde pape yang spesel pon, but I guess it is easy to handle so ramai yang suka main.

iv.Mercun Gasing.
    Danger Meter:1/5
Biasa kalau dalam kampung, ini adalah mercun2 yang dimain oleh geng2 gadis hot kampung/ geng2 Kak Sepet Kampung Tok Loyeh.

v. Mercun Pop Pop
    Danger Meter: 0.5/5
Mercun(mercun ke?) yang biasa dimain oleh adik-adik yang belum capai puberti lagi.

vi.Mercun Das.
    Danger Meter:1/5
Mercun ni biasa diberi oleh abang-abang pada adik-adik untuk menembak ke arah langit sambil nyanyi lagu duhai bonda duhai ayahanda nyanyian mamat. Sebenarnya terdapat satu agenda rahsia oleh abang-abang iaitu tujuan menembak ke langit adalah sign yang menyatakan "silalah target kami"

And now, kita masuk kategori mercun-mercun yang dimain dalam perlawanan-perlawanan sahabat kampung antara kampung atau perlawanan Arena Perang Mercun antara kampung-kampung. Terma-terma counter strike akan digunakan di dalam eksplanasi ini.

P/S: Sila pastikan umur anda adalah lebih dari 15 untuk mengelak daripada kecederaan.

i. Mercun Bola
     Danger Meter: 4.4/5
Yang biasa main mercun ini adalah anak-anak sulung dalam setiap keluarga. Kebiasaannya satu keluarga akan menghantar seorang wakil untuk menyertai perlawanan mercun kampung ke kampung. Bagi player2 CS mercun ini bagaikan B.2-1 tetapi boleh dikenakan pada jarak jauh.

ii.Mercun Telor
   Danger Meter:4/5
HAHA ini adalah B.8-4 di dalam CS ataupun juga dikenali sebagai High Explosive Grenade. Biasanya bilangan mercun telor di dalam ammunition adalah kurang kerana bunyi letupannya yang kuat.

iii.Mercun Ketupat
   Danger Meter: 4.6/5
Mercun Ketupat, juga dikenali sebagai Mercun Pengejut Subuh untuk Kampung Sebelah. Yes, kampung sebelah. Mercun ini susah didapati dan kerana itulah tercipta sebuah urban legend yang mengatakan 'Mereka yang mempunyai hati yang tulus saja dapat memegang mercun ini' WTF.

iv. Mercun Roket.
     Danger Meter: 3.5/5
The reason why mercun ini termasuk pada list ammunition perang adalah kerana mercun ini boleh di target menggunakan botol kaca loncan atau tin-tin milo berlebihan dan itu adalah sesuatu yang awesome.

v. Mercun Thunder Clap
    Danger meter: 4/5
Mercun ini adalah seperti sniper Magnum atau dikenali sebagai B.4-6 dan seperti CS mereka yang biasanya in charge of this mercun akan jadi camper atau bahasa senangnya menyorok di suatu sudut  untuk mentarget ketua operasi kampung sebelah.

vi.Mercun papan
    Danger Meter: 2.5
Mercun ini hanya digunakan untuk provokasi atau memanaskan line je. Walaupun bunyi letupannya tidak kuat, tapi memang cukup panas kerana letupannya bertubi-tubi. Sama macam bila mak korang suruh buang sampah, idai baju, lipat baju atau etc. Selagi tidak dibalas selagi tulah berbunyi.

vii. Meriam Buluh.
     Danger Meter: 10/5
This is it. The Black Mamba. The Eater of The World. The Os in Doom. The T in Hang Tuah. The Alpha and The Omega. Whoever in possession of these bad ass is in control in any game. Kalau korang tengah syok-syok baling any mercun listed above the tibe-tibe rasa getaran pada bumi yang dipijak walah langit yang dijunjung. Silalah berhenti secepat mungkin dan menyorok di bawah selimut. 

Bila tengok list-list ni teringat time-time dulu bile perang2 dengan orang lain main mercun. Tapi time tu aku hanya dibenarkan lontar mercun mancis, gasing dan mercun das. What to do, aku anak ke-4 dan hanya anak sulung je boleh menjadi wakil keluarga untuk berperang.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Boyfriend Material

Boyfriend material according to the most people I asked is, a type of guy who has the criteria to be a good boyfriend like taking deep interest in what the girl likes, remembers the small things that you tell them and most important is that you're proud to introduce him to your family and friends. Recently a few girl that is a friend of mine asked me and some of my friends when will we turn into a guy that is boyfriend material.

When I came back home that night, it made me think. Boyfriend material, what does it really mean? A friend told me that boyfriend material is just a load of bull, he considered himself as a boyfriend material and still get left by his girl. He told me to just be myself, he said he knows who I am and so he told me that it is better if I keep being my original self.

Well that just add another problem to my head, being myself. What does that really mean. Does it mean that I can do anything that I like without caring what others think or does it mean to keep acting like I always did. I treat different kinds of people with different kind of attitudes, does that makes me hypocrite or being myself? For now I will try to neglect that question and decided that being myself means just keep acting like I always did.

Back to the story, I answered my friend's question by saying maybe I'll change into boyfriend material when I meet someone that is worth changing myself with. But then my friend ask again, when is that? Normally I will say I'll just leave that on god and my mom and wouldn't feel nothing bad about it. At all. But that night I told them I'll just leave it to my mom. Here's the part that made me thinking, why do I feel bad when I told them that. Maybe because that night is the first time in how many years someone's asking me about what I think about relationships, or anything seriously.

I'm not ready for a commitment. Is it really hard to tell people the real answer? Am I really afraid that people might think that I'm weak, or is it something else? A friend once told me maybe it's a self defense mechanism that makes me think that I'm not fit to have any girlfriend or I think that I don't deserve to pick any girl as a soul mate. Well that is not entirely wrong neither it is entirely right. I look around at my coupled friends and well, let's just say I'm not really impressed of how they going with their couples. They always fight, some of them can't even hang out with the gang anymore and  there's even this load of crap where their bank cards is held by their couples. I realize that myself is not that strong yet so if let's say that I check my inbox tomorrow and there's some kind of love mail or something, I would reject her. It's because I have nothing to offer her, nothing that can reply her love to me except for words and that would make me look stupid. So am I weak to say I'm not ready to give a commitment?

Monday, June 25, 2012

Defuq #1

So recently there's so many status post on facebook like these:-

a. I just broke up and I have learnt so many things. This is a letter for my future husband (post with picture)
b. This is a song for me and my future husband. Aww so sweet
c. Oh future husband where are you.. please take me away from my life now

It's not like I have problem with people like these but BOOM! after a few days the girl A is back with her fag boyfriend and repeat the same damn thing. I don't really get these kind of people, is this something to be proud of? Seriously? Future husband? So your logic is find some song or probably a picture you like and BOOM! this is for my hubby/dear/baby or for those who's ass is still single, this is for my friggin future husband?

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Random thoughts

It's 2:36am 05/03/2011. Can't put myself to sleep. Listening to songs that I keep from 2009. A lot of memories flash back in my head. Makes me think what have I done in these past years. Did I ever change? Is changing into someone else is bad? Is changing myself into someone better is bad? Is changing based on someone called copying/ not being yourself? Teenagers(including me) nowadays often thinks they need to be themselves, does that mean every person need to have different interest, clothes and behavior?

Too many things running in my mind. Some of them are memories some is random thoughts. I never did anything to make myself proud. If I wake up tomorrow and suddenly a child waking me up calling me "Papa" what can I do to impress him. I feel like my whole life is pointless. Never made anyone happy. Tried, but fail. This is not some "give me attention" thingy but I really mean it. Have you guys ever think about it? I do think some of you did. I don't really like thinking about this but I can't really help it.

Life's a bitch, so if yours is easy then you're doing it wrong.

I forgot where did I found this quote but i gotta say I agree with it. Nothing in life is easy, but still you gotta live your life. Someone always said to me "live your life to the fullest" but what the hell does that mean? Does it mean you gotta do what you want in life. Honestly speaking, if that really what it means then I'll never have a chance in making a family. I mean in life you have that shit called responsibilities and I think many of us is not a fan of him but that shit is the thing that keeping us and probably the whole world together.

I'm just confused, and maybe a little curious. That's all.